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The Farm Credit Knowledge Center: Celebrating 10 Years

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A decade ago, 弗吉尼亚农场信贷(FCV)开始了一段旅程,以满足体育彩票外围平台足迹内的需求:为那些参与或对农业感兴趣的人提供教育和联系. 农业信贷知识中心的使命是促进知识和资源的共享,以改善所有农民和对农业感兴趣的人的生活. Since the inception of our educational arm ten years ago, the development of resources and partnerships has grown immensely. 知识中心团队由四名成员组成,专注于年轻人, beginning and small farmers, part-time and full-time farmers, youth and educators, as well as general consumers.

在过去的几年里,资源和课程的深度得到了扩展和提高. Initially, Farm Credit Knowledge Center programming was limited to in-person events and seminars; however, the program has grown to include digital and print resources, webinars, blog content and much more.

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Knowledge Center Director, Kyley Clevenger, stated, “体育彩票外围平台的团队相信,让农民和对农业感兴趣的人围坐在餐桌旁,为他们配备工具和资源,以提高他们的农业经营和农业综合企业. There is power in gathering.” 

有机会为农民们聚集在一个地方创造一种体验的价值, learn solutions and tools to utilize when approaching an obstacle, and be able to do this in fellowship with other farmers is priceless. Regardless of the commodity, location or size of the operation, 与他人面对面交流的机会推动了农业的发展.

在整个协会足迹的不同地点,每年都会举行面对面的活动, 课程内容包括商业计划、财务知识、继任计划和风险管理等. “If there is a need, our team strives to address that need. We also believe in the power of partnerships; we want to provide a connection to experts within the field or topic area,” said Clevenger.

 From the Ground Up: Business Toolkit

就像农民采用不断发展的技术来支持和推进他们的经营一样, 知识中心的节目编排也在不断发展,以满足数字世界中受众不断变化的需求. Agriculture is 24/7, and it can be challenging to ‘fit’ everything in one day, 挑战团队构建知识中心编程的在线组件. Business and financial literacy, as well as production-specific resources, are vitally important to all operators within the industry. 从头开始:农业企业工具包和AgHub是在考虑到时间限制和受众的不同需求的情况下开发的. Courses and curriculum can be accessed conveniently, 无论是坐在拖拉机的座位上,还是在喂食动物和孩子后围坐在餐桌旁. 

Access From the Ground Up: Agricultural Business Toolkit Access AgHub

今天,在线提供的内容和材料继续发展和扩展. 在线观众将找到宣传技巧,农场安全,营销和更多. 知识中心的在线门户包含多种格式的教育,以满足用户的需求, whether that is through recorded webinars, tip sheets, blogs or infographics. 教育的关键是创造一个空间,让观众以适合他们偏好的最佳方式学习, and that is what the Knowledge Center has strived to create.

Farm Credit Knowledge Center Facebook

农业和整个社会越来越多地通过社交媒体联系在一起. Because of this, 知识中心在多个平台上发展并保持着强大的影响力, including Facebook and Pinterest, primarily. Social media enables the team to easily share resources, advocate for agriculture in the FCV footprint and beyond, and forge connections with stakeholders, industry partners, farmers and consumers. 

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In 2023, the Knowledge Center celebrates a decade of existence. 该团队在弗吉尼亚农场信贷的足迹范围内提供了400多个教育项目, reached over 10,000 followers on social media platforms, 并在全国甚至海外与数千人进行面对面和数字交流. 

The Knowledge Center team remains dedicated to meeting its mission, 在内部与所有部门的FCV团队成员密切合作. 所有人都致力于认识到会员业主面临的“痛点”,并努力通过教育找到解决方案, resources or connections. “体育彩票外围平台很幸运,有一个非常支持体育彩票外围平台的团队,他们重视继续教育,并为体育彩票外围平台体育彩票正规app下载的人提供资源. 协会内部的这种伙伴关系使教育机构得以运作。.

“The Knowledge Center is a team of four, but it is a community, 体育彩票外围平台非常感谢宝贵的伙伴关系和关系,使体育彩票外围平台能够成为农业教育和发展的一部分. 如果我不分享一个致力于满足用户需求的团队的力量,那将是我的疏忽. 该团队致力于并热衷于成为农业社区的资源. They go above and beyond to ensure that needs are met, and that the resources continue to evolve and develop,” Clevenger shared. 

“通过见证梦想成真,成为一个农民成功故事的一部分,这是一件非常快乐的事情, seeing new generations come home to the family farm, 通过教育资源帮助改善农场的财务状况,并与那些走在体育彩票外围平台前面的人建立持久的联系. 农业是一个支持性的社区,它远远超出了你的隔壁邻居. 知识中心团队感谢过去的十年,感谢每一个支持体育彩票外围平台的人. 体育彩票外围平台对下一个十年感到兴奋,因为体育彩票外围平台将有令人兴奋的机会和合作伙伴关系, all for the betterment of our farmers," she concluded.

及时了解知识中心内的最新动态和教育产品, sign-up for one or both of their e-newsletters, which deploy regularly. Through these newsletters, you will be notified of educational programs, blog articles, partner events, infographics, commodity pricing and more.

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Cheers to 10 years, Farm Credit Knowledge Center!

这篇专题文章发表在2023年12月的《体育彩票外围平台》杂志上. Access the full magazine (digital version) HERE.

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